M. Devin Whitt
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Phone: 601-607-5055
Fax: 601-607-5056
Cell: 601-212-9724
774 Avery Blvd N #A
Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157
M. Devin Whitt has been practicing law since 2002 and has tried numerous cases across the State of Mississippi for a variety of clients. He enjoys helping people with their legal issues and he strives to personally work with every client to help them meet their legal objective. Devin lives in North Jackson and his office is located in Ridgeland, Mississippi. He practices primarily in the tri-county area of Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties and concentrates his practice primarily in the area of Divorce and Family Law, DUI and Criminal Defense. These practice areas include:
Family Law Irreconcilable Differences Divorce, Contested Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Child Custody, Child Support, Separate Maintenance, Adoption, Alimony, Property Division, Alienation of Affection, Termination of Parental Rights, Guardianships, Guardian Ad Litem
Criminal Law All Felonies and Misdemeanors including Arson, DUI/DWI, Felony Expungement, Misdemeanor Expungement, Fleeing, Eluding Law Enforcement, Simple Assault, Aggravated Assault, Hit and Run, Battery, Sex Crimes, Fraud, Forgery, Hacking, Conspiracy, Destruction of Public Property, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the Peace, Drug Possession, Drug Trafficking, Drug Distribution, Drug Manufacture, Domestic Violence, Embezzlement, Extortion, Forgery, Shoplifting, Larceny, Burglary, Armed Robbery, Traffic Violations.
Personal Injury Car Accidents, 18 Wheeler Accidents, Motor Cycle Accidents, Swimming Pool Accidents, Airplane Accidents, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability.
J.D., Mississippi College School of Law, Jackson, Mississippi, 2002
cum laude
Chairman, Mississippi College School of Law Moot Court Board; Finalist, Copeland, Cook, Taylor & Bush Moot Court Competition; Ninth-Annual Judge Conrad B. Duberstein National; Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition Semi-Finalist - Award: Best Brief; Tenth-Annual Judge Conrad B. Duberstein National Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition
BS BA, Athens State University, 1999
Political Science/Criminal Justice, cum laude
U.S. District Court Northern District of Mississippi
U.S. District Court Southern District of Mississippi
U.S. District Court Southern District of Mississippi
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Mississippi
U.S. Court of Appeals 5th Circuit
Madison County Bar Association
Hinds County Bar Association
Rankin County Bar Association
Mississippi State Bar
Alabama State Bar
American Bar Association